Functional and reliable industrial equipment for production
Enterprise «Dnipropetrovsk Foundry and Machine-Building Plant»
produces modern, functional and reliable industrial equipment for the production of industrial products.
The workshops of the enterprise are a full-fledged production space, in which not only the production of equipment is carried out, but also its repair, restoration, modernization. The Company’s employees perform service and warranty maintenance of machines, aggregates and other similar mechanisms. Production and Repair of consumable components are provided.
Industrial equipment is manufactured using modern technologies, which guarantees the high quality of products produced by our company.
Industrial equipment for production from DFMP
Modern and high-quality industrial equipment for production allows you to significantly increase the profitability of the enterprise. It is used to modernize the technical base, launch innovative processes and production cycles.
Enterprise «Dnipropetrovsk Foundry and Machine-Building Plant» offers modern and easy-to-use equipment developed with in order to optimize all production processes. Our factory produces products taking into account the individual needs of a specific company, depending on the characteristics of the types of goods produced.
The mission of DFMP is to increase the productivity of technological cycles in various industries:
- production of paper and cardboard;
- processing of agricultural products;
- production of cement and other building materials;
- mining and extractive industry.
In addition, we are ready to develop high-quality modern non-standard equipment intended for use in other industrial sectors.
We implemented and use a quality management system in the region production and modernization of equipment and spare parts of the paper, mining and metallurgical, machine-building, cement, glass and other industries, installation.
Our services: a complete list
Enterprise “Dnipropetrovsk Foundry and Machine-Building Plant” produces only high-quality and original equipment for industrial production. The release cycle is completely fixed various products, parts, components, non-standard machines – these are all directions of our activity, the list of professional services of which includes:
- preparation of all necessary construction and design documentation;
- development and production of equipment to order;
- debugging, maintenance of equipment, etc.
Before starting production of industrial equipment, our specialists must study information about the conditions under which and how future machines will function, as well as take into account the peculiarities of equipment transportation.
This approach makes it possible to design really highly reliable and durable equipment, capable of efficiently and rationally solving the tasks assigned to it.
The industrial equipment for production which is let out by our company differs in excellent operational properties. All models are able to work for many years, withstanding increased loads and ensuring maximum accuracy and efficiency.
Industrial equipment Dnepropetrovsk and other cities of Ukraine prefer to order from our plant, because we have a comprehensive approach to solving the tasks. The release process consists of several stages that follow each other in a strict sequence:
- carrying out calculations;
- creation of drawings and development;
- construction;
- manufacturing.
At the same time, we not only produce high-quality equipment for production, which Ukraine prefers to buy from us, but also deal with its installation and commissioning. In case of questions regarding the operation of products purchased from us, DLMZ specialists will train your staff.
Do you need further maintenance of the equipment purchased from us? As developers, we also provide this type of specialized service.
The production equipment produced by our company, the price of which is lower than that of intermediary companies, is widely used in enterprises of various industries. Among them:
- mining plants;
- coal mines;
- paper mills;
- agricultural enterprises;
- cement plants;
- and many others.
In the production process at DLMZ, modern high-tech machines are used, on the basis of which various operations are performed, including high-precision metal processing – turning, milling, grinding, etc.
Welding works are carried out with any types of metals, dynamic balancing of shafts, etc.
If you need to buy equipment for production, we recommend that you contact us! Our company has developed a system of strict quality control both for raw materials used and for finished products.
The company includes:
- machine assembly shop;
- division of design development and design;
- foundry.
Thanks to this structure, we have the opportunity to solve any problems related to the production process of a particular product.
Today, DLMZ is engaged in the manufacture and casting of both single copies of products, and fulfills serial orders, involving the production of several dozen units of the same model. Our experts work with customer’s drawings or independently develop and design equipment according to the specified requirements of the client.
Strict quality control, the availability of the necessary certificates is a guarantee that you will receive durable, reliable and functional equipment for your company.