Specialized equipment, which has been installed and operated at most enterprises of the agricultural complex for at least 30-40 years, is characterized as morally obsolete, that is, it does not meet established standards. And what has a recent release date does not always fully correspond to the specifics of a particular production.
In this regard, the most rational solution will be to order the individual production of agro-industrial equipment for the needs of your production.
To save on the purchase, give preference to a Ukrainian manufacturer with an excellent reputation.
Dust removal at a high level is most in need of the main equipment of the agricultural complex – backfill pits and conveyors.
The former are responsible for storing grain and feed stocks, the latter for delivering products for storage to a certain type of bunker. The special aspiration equipment of landfill pits and conveyors, as well as the repair and modernization of granulators-devices for the production of compound feed, in particular, homogeneous pellets with improved technological properties of feed, help to eliminate dust qualitatively.